Sunday, December 2, 2012

Share Your Opinion!

On Monday, I began teaching Opinion Writing and all I can say was A-mazing!!!   I guess we had been doing narrative writing for too long, because the kids rocked it. I am sure they were glad to try something new.

I decided to talk about something the kids were familiar with: Their favorite book character.

I wrote about him :)

On Tuesday,  I was observed (unannounced). The kids had created their hook and shared their opinions by then. We supported our opinion with facts and details.

Some of the charts we created.
The last picture is the final product .

My post observation went extremely well. I was very pleased with the grades and comments given by our interim principal.

I took it step by step. Modeled one thing at a time. Kids wrote. We shared. We edited. Repeat. Their first drafts were beyond fantastic!
We will do some editing, revising and write a final copy tomorrow. The rest of the week I have a variety of topics for them to practice with. After that, they get to use their brainstorming list we created on Monday.

In order to teach Opinion Writing, I created this product.

I love it. I really, really love it! I did some tweaking after teaching it. I did not wanted to put it out there without trying it out. Thanks to my amazing bloggy friend for reviewing this for me.

If my kids can write as well as they did, so can yours :) Find it HERE

Time to pick  someone who could LOVE this as much as I do.
Let's see... if you guess what my hubby does for a living I will send it to you for free!  I love guessing, don't you?  I think only one person who knows me personally can answer this. We will give her a serious talk if she spoils my guessing game. LOL.
Tiny hint: He wears a uniform to work.  Start guessing!


  1. Skippyjon Jones is the best :) Is your husband a law enforcement officer??

    Happy Sunday!


  2. I won't make a guess! I promise:) But the unit looks VERY cute! Great job with the observation!

    Tonya’s Treats for Teachers

  3. This unit looks great! Does he work for UPS? :)


  4. Hmmm. I've been thinking more about opinion writing, nice job! Maybe your husband is fire fighter??
    Amy Howbert
    Little Miss Organized

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. We just started writing opinion pieces and my kids are really enjoying it. So far we've used Don't Let the Pigeon... books. I'm guessing your hubby is a mailman..
    Teacher Gone Digital

  7. I love reading your post because I feel like you are in the trenches with me. We just wrapped up opinion writing. Your unit looks awesome. I also wrote about Skippyjon Jones. I was also observed this quarter unannounced but it was with Hello Mrs. Sykes kids while I was supposed to be teaching Social Studies but (surprise, surprise) I was reviewing math. :)

    I am guessing that your husband is a pilot.

    Second Grade Math Maniac
    Second Grade Freebies

    1. You got it! Will be e-mailing you today. Sometime before midnight :)

  8. I just started opinion writing so this is perfect. I am guessing your husband is a fire fighter.


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