Saturday, October 20, 2012

Two Small Freebies (Exit Slips and Halloween Homework Passes)

I purchased this guy in the summer. Cookies were gone right after the purchase :)
I knew he had to be used in my classroom since the Mr. thought the bear does not match our decor.  :)

I had read about Exit Slips and this is my Beary own way of using the same fantastic idea. 
I measured and created two different labels for Mr. Bear, exit slips and a sign with ideas on what to share. 

The idea is to find something Beary (insert your choice here) to share about, at the end of the day.

Find them here.

Halloween Homework Passes anyone?  I am looking forward to stealing organizing my kids' candy right after they go to bed.
I made these homework passes for my students and I am also sending it to my son's teacher (hint, hint).

Find them here.

If you download them (either one), would you leave me some love?  My comment box has been really sad lately.


  1. So cute Tania! Thanks so much for the freebies! I already follow you...but I noticed your comment on Terri's blog (A Cupcake for the Teacher) about moving to NH. If you are should check out the Portsmouth area (It's so close to MA and ME) and is a beautiful town! :o)

    A is for Apple B is for Blog

  2. Thanks Karyn. I will certainly pass on the information to the Mr. He is the one wanting to move :)


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