Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Tokens! My behavior Management

I remember reading about this behavior system loooong time ago while student teaching. Once I had my first classroom, I began thinking about behavior management. I did the green, yellow, and red lights my first year without much success. It was not for me.
Once I changed schools that system was not allowed well received by my new principal, so my token system was born... Tokens were it!

I purchased a few bags of color counters. I then used my sharpie and began numbering twenty color counters. 20 ones, 20 two's, 20 three's... and so on. I placed them in a letter box from Lakeshore (used for alphabet cards).

My students have PIN numbers (alphabetical by first name) and they'll do anything for tokens!

In the beginning of the year tokens are given every minute of the day for anything done right: Writing the date on the right side of the paper, being quiet in the hallway, showing manners, using neat handwriting, remembering routines, staying on task, participating during class discussions... anything that highlights making great choices :)

I feel like a crazy token lady!  I see tokens...I dream tokens :)  But I promise you, it works!!

"So and so...go get a token for ________"  Thank you for doing that!

When the kids get tokens they place them in a jewelry bag I purchased at Michael's.

Once they have earned twenty tokens, the kids exchange them for a Token reward: homework pass, computer time, morning greeters, bring stuffed animal to school, sweet treat (purchased by me), wearing a hat to school... and the cycle begins all over again.

On the other hand...they can also loose tokens for making poor choices. I try not to take any tokens away and concentrate on the good.  But rewards and consequences go together, right?

During Open House the best topic is "Tokens!"... and I that, always brings a smile to my face.  Who said anything about learning if you can earn tokens?


  1. I LOVE this idea!!!! I will be saving your post! I might even try to do something like this for my Title 1 students!



  2. I use those jewelry bags too! They are awesome!

    Tonya’s Treats for Teachers
    I am having a MEGA giveaway, come check it out


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