Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Mother's Day Project {One Dollar Gift}

My third grade kiddos finished their Mother's Day project yesterday.  Because my kids travel through both of our third grade classrooms it is hard to get them done quickly. But they are done :) Wrapped, ready to go. a. week. early. #ithasneverhappennedbefore

I have updated this product a bit.  You know you need one, right?  ;) 
If you have it already go get the new version (do not forget to leave me some love). 

Start with a one-dollar photo album. Choose the prompts you like your students to complete (36 to choose from), wrap using tissue paper, a gift tag, and some tulle. #mothersdaykeepsake 

These are some portraits created this year:

I asked my daughter to help me create an album for me.  The truth is... I wanted to see what she would say about mommy. Here are a few of her answers. 

Would you help me pin this product? 

Thanks for visiting,