Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Ready for your 100th Day of School?

Back to work I went...this past Wednesday.  My to do list was long and I got it all done!  The kids come back tomorrow and I am so ready to see how big they have gotten.

One of my big projects was to finish our books for our 100th Day of School.  These pictures are part of my booklet from last year.  

Why is it that this day feel so special?  Oh, yeah, it means we have 80 days to go!  Silly me :)

This week I grabbed the binding machine from the teacher workroom and took it to my classroom, this way I could take time putting them together. I used white card stock for the cover and purple for the back cover.  They are ready to go!

I showed up a bit early the first day. Many early bird coworkers were there before me. 7:45 is as early as I can make it to work.  

Today, we had a two hour delay because...are you ready?  We had snow!  Probably less than an inch, but it was snow nevertheless.  Can you kind of see it on the front of my house?  I was laughing when I realized how silly this must feel to all of us who have lived where there is 'real' snow. 

My kids school canceled school today, so my little helper had to come with me. She loved it, and so did I. 
I think she is going to be a teacher (over my dead body). Her love for reading and having invisible students brings me a ton of memories.

Anyhow, I hope you'd like to check out my 100th day book for your kiddos this year. You can find it HERE...on sale :)

2 day week can be exactly what I need to back into the routine. Hugs to all of you.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

200th Post and a New Product on Sale

200 posts...can't hardly believe it. It has been fun sharing things around my classroom with you.  I am ready for 200 more!

I am celebrating by having a sale on my new product. You can also pin it to win it :)

This girl goes back to school Friday.  I have been off since December 20 (don't hate me). Year round schools totally rock.  I enjoyed my Christmas break and then my track out right after that.  The best break of the year for sure.

My kids go back on Thursday of the following week which means I have two workdays and one early release (aka looooong meeting) to survive. The fun is when the kids are there. Meetings are not fun. Ever.

Once the kids return we will have our first big standardized test.  Reading one day, math the next.  Being gone for weeks I know they are going to need to review a few skills and this is how this was born.
Find it HERE
I created a product to review:
- asking and answering questions
- retelling fiction and nonfiction text
- letter writing
- comparing and contrasting two texts
- describing characters
- capitalization
- odd/even numbers
- adding and subtracting 2/3 digit numbers
- comparing numbers
- and much more...

39 pages with many ways to review a variety of skills needed this time of the year.
I hope you like it. Get yours here...on sale!

I don't have any pictures, but I will share once I make it back to work and have my babies review, review, and review.  That test is nothing!  We will rock it :) 

Pin it to win it time.  Leave me some love and the link to your pin. I will pick a few of you to try it out :) 

Happy week to all of you.