Sunday, October 27, 2013

Halloween Photo Booth Props = A FUN Holiday at School!

Good evening friends!  Two years ago, I attended the wedding of a sweet teacher friend of mine. During the wedding, they had a photo booth where you got to be funny and funky. We laughed so hard, I am pretty sure we ran to the bathroom a few times trying to avoid 'an accident' :)

I wanted to have that much fun at school. I began searching for photo booth props and  discovered an Etsy seller: Chela, and her awesome shop called Thinking of You Designs.

Thursday is going to be fun, loud, and full of emotion in our classrooms. How about adding a bit more excitement by inviting a parent to photograph your students during your Fall Celebrations?

Most of my props are ready, but I could not wait to share them with you.
Chela includes both, the color props (print, cut, and glue to a wooden kabob skewer) and the white and back outlines (use color card stock and make them your own!). 

These are the ones I made today, but there are many more included!  

I had to show you the ones I have and totally love!

Can you resist?! I want this one...badly!!

Love supporting Etsy sellers, don't you?  

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Getting Ready for Next Week

My curriculum guide says I should be getting ready to teach about odd and even numbers, comparing two nonfiction books and informational writing.  The problem... I want to celebrate Halloween with my kids instead.
I believe Pinterest is a new search engine all on its own.  I reviewed some of my pins, hoping to find some inspiration.  Before I show you those pins, may I show you something I am working on tonight?  Just a tease :)

And here are some of  my Halloween classroom ideas..... Not sure which ones I will complete :)
Halloween Pencil Treats: Source

Candy Container: Source

FUN Gummy Worm Jello Cups on { }
Yummy Jello: Source

monster-treats cover
M & M Monsters Jars: Source

candy bar wrappers
Scary Chocolate Bars: Source

Snack Cups: Source

Monster juice
Monster Juice: Source

How do you celebrate Halloween in the classroom? 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Back to Work I Go with Updated Newsletters

Well, track out has come to an end.  I enjoyed my break with an awesome vacation, spent time with my hubby and became the mommy I wish I could be all the time (for a few days).
I have three workdays and hope to accomplish a lot during that time before the kids return on Monday.

If you remember, I had spent too much time in the boss' office before I tracked out.   I lost sleep over the things that had been happening.
To begin my second quarter on the right foot, I  sent my student's parents a survey on line. I then learned I cannot make everybody happy, but I will continue to do  my best.  Doing my best is all I have control over.
One can always do something better, right?

One item my parents were asking for, were more frequent newsletters. I am supposed to write them by-weekly....well, the surveys says they wanted to be more informed and received them once a week. So, I will try to do just that :)

I sat down, looked at my newsletter and created new templates. The quick project turned into a new product. I really like them!  I hope you do too :)
Find them HERE.

You can find 12 Editable Newsletter Templates: 12 templates in color and 12 templates in black and white.  You can write a one or two page newsletter.  Mine are always two pages as I always include pictures of the kids.

What do you include in your newsletter?  Leave a comment letting me know about your newsletter.  You are welcome to Pin it for an extra chance to win this. Leave me the pin url with your comment.
I will send two of you a copy of my templates.  If you can't wait... they are on sale today and tomorrow in my store.

Back to work I go :)

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Vegas Pics.

I am finally ready to share some pictures with you! We had a fantastic time in Vegas, and hope to come back to that side of the country soon. 
When you bring your kids to Vegas, you must stop by the M&M store.  I need a boa!

The weather was beautiful. The sky was amazingly blue. I really hope to get to see the 'real ' tower one of these days :)

Loved the Bellagio's fountain. An amazing 3 minute 'show'!

Gotta love trees that talk and money signs made out of beautiful flowers.

The architecture in every hotel was amazing!

Palm trees and blue skies...sign me up!  I am moving :)

 Hubby did play a few nights.... and wasted lost some money. Boo :(

Food (I found 'real' tacos!!), gelato and a phenomenal show.

 The kids enjoyed staying up past their bed time :)

My favorite part of the trip!  Riding a 12 passenger airplane and admiring The Grand Canyon.

Beyond amazing! 

Moving out west has  been a daily topic since we returned. Colorado is my top pick. Hubby just wants to be away from the humidity. We both want snow! 

If you live out west... where do you live?  How much do you love it?