Friday, March 29, 2013

Wedding and Spring Cleaning

Happy Friday friends!  My daughter and I spent our Friday with a dear friend of mine and her kids. Their British accent is to die for. 
I do not have any school-related news... but I am sure you have heard many of us are doing some serious Spring Cleaning.

My house is certainly getting a serious cleaning next week. I hope to show you a couple of rooms I have been dying to clean and organize. Label maker, here I come! 
While that happens, I am certainly cleaning my TPT wish list. My little store will be on sale for two days. 

Thanks to MelonHeadz for the graphic.

My grade-level chair and friend is getting married a barn. I only hope it gets warmer around here and I can actually wear a dress. I found a dress I purchased last year and that is what I am wearing. I hope it fits! 
My kids have a sitter since the hubby has to work. I am sure they are going to love her. I love her. She is a rocking technology teacher. 
8:00 is bedtime around here tonight (for the kids). As soon as I hit publish I am going to try 'the' dress and hope for the best. The wedding is early. I do not have any time to shop, and plan B is something I do not want to think about. 

Here comes the bride!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Maps and More Maps

I hope most of you are enjoying spring break. I have been enjoying my 'break', but spring has not arrived. NC has been chilly!

I am back to show you our maps and share a little document you may be able to use if you live in NC. Since I am not a great writer, I rather show you the goods through pictures.

Save your cereal boxes, cut them in half, staple and create classroom maps.
Before you begin, create a key so all of your maps are more or less uniform.
 We decided to map out the biggest items. Then we chose the colors to use before I took out the construction paper.
Some finished samples

Moving on to Me on the Map - NC
I had a small group of kids do a bit of research. We wrote facts behind each circle.

IF you live in North Carolina and can use the circles to make this project. Download  HERE.
Would love your feedback :)

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Easter Homework Passes (new ones).

I am always tracked out during Easter, and do not get to do crafty Easter things with my students anymore (boo!). Before I changed tracks, I used to do a huge measuring unit and celebrating with an Easter Egg Roll. I miss it.

The Mr. is working on Easter (yeap...he has missed every single holiday since November), so I need to come up with mommy Easter ideas.

I received a super sweet e-mail asking me to create Easter Homework passes that matched the other ones I have posted.
Download HERE :)

I hope you can use them!  
I'd love to hear what you think and what you do for your students to celebrate Easter.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

State Bloggers and TPT Love

Diane @ Fifth in the Middle created some super cute buttons for you to link your blog by state.

So far, there are 16 NC bloggers joining the party :)
Fifth in the Middle
Find her here.

Right before graduation, I had a phone interview with a school in the area. We then decided to visit  the school and stay with my in-laws who live in Chapel Hill. 
One sunny, hot, humid afternoon in June of 2004,  I met the second grade team, administration and reading specialist. Two hours later, I received my first job offer. I am pretty sure I screamed after I hung up the phone. I wanted second grade badly enough to move miles away. 

Northern Kentucky had been our home for 11 years before that. We had a beautiful older home, which had been remodeled from top to bottom by my hubby. It was a beauty at the end. Sold it in 3 days!!! 
We miss our friends, the snow (we LOVE snow), and our beautiful home. 
I have to be honest, sometimes we regret the move. Sometimes we are not sure if this is home. But we have loved the weather, the closeness to the beach (2 hours away), the gorgeous mountains and the amazing friends we have made here.  Home is where love resides, memories are created, friends always belong, and laughter never ends, right? 

Sweet Tea? Sign me up!

created these icons. Not sure which one to choose for my blog. Which one do you like best?

   Find them here. FREE!