Saturday, February 23, 2013

Tweet Arrays

I am back...breaking the double post rule a day . I could not wait to show you what my kids did this week!  It is very Tweet :)

We started with using many of the manipulatives we have in our classroom. Labeling row s and columns. Defining arrays (pre-assessment).
Created array books, used array task cards and took a few post-assessments....and so much more!

According to my kids an array is... (I copied these from their assessment sheets).
- Soldiers lined up in rows
- Organized ways of putting something away
- Something that is put together in rows and columns and it can help you count good
- Some rows and columns that are put together and help you count stuff
- A quick and organized of arranging something
- It has rows and columns and looks like an army of soldiers

I see a theme here....rows, columns and soldiers :)  Not sure what I said about soldiers, but it made a great impression.

Something so tweet!  Find here.
You can find all of these in there :)

What do you think? 

My tweet son will help me pick a winner. Leave me some love. I will pick 2 winners tomorrow night.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Aimee's Giveaway and Heather's Morning Basket Work

There are just a few hours left to enter Amy's fabulous giveaway. She is celebrating 400 + followers with many amazing bloggers.

I smell 500 very soon!
Enter HERE.

Moving on to another cool lady. 
Heather from Second Grade Perks sent me her Morning Work Basket Work. I was very happy to try it out.
My kiddos really liked it!  When I asked them what they liked about it, they said "Because it has a bit of everything (math, writing, editing...). They enjoyed the variety. Thanks Heather!!!!

Sadly I ran out of ink. I printed them and glued using color bond paper. 
You can find Heather HERE.
You can find this product HERE.

Thanks ladies. You rock!!!

I must begin planning, I must beginning planning...

Saturday, February 16, 2013

100th Day, 100th Posts

This girl had a long week. A fun one. But long. 75 days to go!  The only problem I have with that, is that my babies are finally growing up. I feel like I am actually teaching and not just training. Anyone with me?

We celebrated our 100th Day of School on Monday. I have to admit this day it is one of my favorites. No special reason.
I have always done a bit of this and a bit of that. This year I created this.
You can find it HERE :)

23 activities took us two days to complete!  Don't tell anyone :)
As much as I like to follow the pacing guide...well... it was all about celebrating. I am two days behind and sure I will find a way to catch up!

As I type this post I realize it is my 100th post.

Here it is to 100 more chances to chat with you!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Shapestache Week.

All the single ladies, all the single ladies.... I guess I will be singing that for a while :)

Kids just went to bed. Bath time was delayed a bit. My daughter had a few new 'moves' thanks to 'all the single ladies'. I guess I am going to have to send them to bed earlier next year.

I promised to show you my latest. The kids loved the mustaches! I took some pictures of them with a mustache...but I can't post that. Just picture it :)
Here we go... picture style.

What do you think? Geometry at its best...isn't it? LOL.

Hubby got extended. Many of his coworkers are 'sick' so he did not make it home tonight. I guess we will have our yearly nacho night a day later.

49ers are waking up...gotta go. 

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Geometry (2-D shapes) and Sale.

I just posted my latest product on TPT. I am so ready for the sale tomorrow!

The kids and I have been playing with shapes for the last two weeks. 

Find it here.

I will be back tomorrow to show you pictures of my students using all of these.

The Mr. went to work today. He had been home sick with some kind of cold/flu. I drove him to the airport trying to be a nice wife. We made the kids do all the chores we could think of, they were hyper today! 

Hope you are ready for the big sale tomorrow. I am on my way to decide how many of the 72 items on my wish list I can actually afford :)
Thanks for the button Ashley!